Snowball Analytics is a tool to track an investment porfolio. It’s a quite powerful tool but there is some functionality I’m missing (for now). Therefore, I made some bookmarklets that the functionality I was missing.
⚠️ Important: Bookmarklets run code on top of a website, so running one that contains malicious code could lead to dangerous consequences. Therefore, if you know about programming you must check out the code before running it. If you don’t know about programming, maybe you know someone who does and can check it out for you.
1. Price Tracker Tool
This bookmarklet must be run inside the “Holdings” section and its purpose is to detect which holdings have reached the target price. To set a target price, you must write it in the ‘Note’ section surrounded by the symbol “»”: »6.2». Decimals must be set apart by dots (“.”) and not by commas (“,”).
2. Currency calculation to clipboard
This bookmarklet only multiplies two numbers inside the ‘Note’ section of a transaction. I use it because my broker, when I make purchases in a different currency it shows me the foreign currency and the exchange rate applied, instead of the final result in my currency. Therefore, if I write the exchange rate and the foreign price like “0.9245 65.29”, once the bookmarklet is run the result will be copied to my clipboard and the focus will automatically go to the ‘Price’ section, ready to paste it.